Final Video Project

Finished Film

I finished everything, but I am still going to be looking over the film again just to make sure everything is in the right place. Im mainly going to be looking at the green screen scenes to make sure there are no visible folds or anything showing. Then I will go over titles and see that they are not too long. Also I am going to make sure they are in order. I have the whole day tomorrow to look a it and make sure that everything looks good and then i will post it.


Final Video Project

Reshooting scene

I am all finished with my film, but there are some scenes that I would like to film again. I’m adding some finishing touches. I don’t want to add too much because I don’t have much time left in the 2-minute film. Also, I’m going to start shooting the 2 Scenes I want to make better today. Hopefully, I will be 100% done by tomorrow.

Final Video Project

Missing people

Today I didn’t film yet, I am trying to decide if I should film the first scene, the last scene or both. The location for both scenes are the same. Both scene are the same except that in the last scene it’s with a different girl. I will film both scenes if I have time because the filming location is far. Also I’m going to start putting all the films together (I edited them separately) with the music tomorrow.

Final Video Project

Waiting for the weather

Today I had to cancel the filming because it was raining. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. This means that I’m a bit behind the schedule and I will film the 5th scene tomorrow. In the fifth the girl finds the location of the buried box and starts digging the ground to get it. Also I’m planing to use some of the x-files theme song so I have to research who wrote it.

Final Video Project

Following the Map

Today I finished filming the alien scene and then started filming the second to last scene. Which is the scene where the girl is following the second map to get to the alien. To follow the girl and have the camera steady while she was walking I used my brothers stroller. Tomorrow I’m going to start the first scene. Also I finished editing the alien film.

Final Video Project

Green Screen

Yesterday I started filming with the green screen, it was a little hard to set up but I was able to get rid of all the wrinkles and folds. Then I started positioning the alien and UFO where I marked it in my backyard. The editing part was not that hard but still took quite some time. I am also currently trying to figure out what the background music would be. I was thinking about the opening music of X-Files.

Final Video Project

Alien scene

The first thing I decided to film is the alien section. I think it’s the hardest and longest thing to film. Then I will start editing it. For this section of the film I will be using a green screen and a spaceship model. The background/setting would be in my backyard next to a big tree. For the fog effect I will be using dry ice and a fan to spread it out.